Advantages of Anti-static FIBC D-type Bags

Anti-static FIBC bags are widely used for the storage and transportation of hazardous powders or objects such as flammable and explosive explosives. Now let's explore the advantages of using these bags in hazardous environments.

anti-static FIBC D-bag


anti-static FIBC D-bag



What is an anti-static FIBC D-bag?



Antistatic FIBC bags, also known as dissipative FIBC bagsD-bags, are made of antistatic fabric with discharge properties. They are designed to work safely in flammable environments and dissipate static charges without the need for grounding.


Benefits of using anti-static FIBC bags.


1. Prevent sparks


They protect your goods and employees from accidents by preventing fires due to static buildup.


2. Dissipate static electricity


Model D bulk bags are manufactured with fabrics containing quasi-conductive yarns that safely dissipate static electricity into the atmosphere through safe, low-energy corona discharge.


3. Transportation of flammable products


Model D bulk bags allow for the safe transportation of flammable products. Can be used safely in the presence of solvents, flammable powders, and combustible materials. It is the safest type of container bag for explosive environments.


4. Space saving


Anti-static FIBC bags are stackable, so more storage space can be used. Because of their flexibility, they protect goods from damage during transport.


anti-static FIBC D-bag


anti-static FIBC D-bag



5. Environmentally friendly


Anti-static FIBC bags are environmentally friendly and can be recycled and reused.


6. No grounding is required


Type D FIBCs do not require grounding during filling and unloading.


7. Large capacity


Similar to other bulk bags, antistatic FIBC bags have rings for lifting and discharge openings that can be used to hold large amounts of material and can be easily moved.


8. Designed for safety


When handling sensitive bulk powders, or loading or unloading bags in the presence of flammable gases or vapors, electrostatic protection is critical to prevent fires or catastrophic explosions. Static FIBC provides electrostatic protection in the form of Type C or Type D bulk bags. These bag types are designed to control static electricity, thereby significantly reducing the risk of fire or explosion.

During the filling or emptying process, the movement of particles on the surface of the bag causes static electricity to build up on the inside of the bag. If mishandled, this can lead to accidents, especially when flammable materials are present near the bag. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use D-bags when handling hazardous materials.

Are you looking for the right anti-static FIBC D-type bags? If so, then you've come to the right place. You can always browse our online inventory to see some of the quality anti-static FIBC D-type bags for sale.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for advice.



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